Target marking for my age group

25 Feb

We-Are-All-Made-Of-Stars-Custom-t-shirt-design-by-Rubens-Scarelli-585x539Teens are always targeted . Every times so new comes out the marketing people target teens ,They know teen like a lot of different things  but they almost never put us in the same category  but sometimes the do. for example they new guys will like anything with killing in it so if there was a new grand theft auto coming out they would target that to guys. they also know that girls like anything with animals in is if a games or movie came out about animals they would target that to girls.

Teens are not just targeted for games and movies we are target for a whole look more. When  new form of texcologhy comes out the target teens because they know teens want the next best thing. When the ipod comes out teens went all over it, everyone need to have one and if u dont you missed out . They always have something new coming out and they know that teens will do anything in order to have that item be theirs .

They  also target teens when it comes to clothing . They know guys are a big fan of design and a killer picture on the clothes so when they see a shirt or a pair of jeans with a design on it the buy it and wear it all the time. With girls they do the same thing  they know girls like words on the shirt or jeans and when their see one that has words on it the buy it . Teens are always target nothing is wrong with that and that way teens always know what is new and what is the new want and most have of 2013 . Teens love having the newest item and they love have dibs on items for teens , they love showing off to their friends and being on top of the world.












One Response to “Target marking for my age group”

  1. conmanshortt February 26, 2013 at 5:13 pm #

    I found this a little hard to read and in the second paragraph I could not figure out a word other than that i understand what you were trying to do

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