Archive | February, 2013

Target marking for my age group

25 Feb

We-Are-All-Made-Of-Stars-Custom-t-shirt-design-by-Rubens-Scarelli-585x539Teens are always targeted . Every times so new comes out the marketing people target teens ,They know teen like a lot of different things  but they almost never put us in the same category  but sometimes the do. for example they new guys will like anything with killing in it so if there was a new grand theft auto coming out they would target that to guys. they also know that girls like anything with animals in is if a games or movie came out about animals they would target that to girls.

Teens are not just targeted for games and movies we are target for a whole look more. When  new form of texcologhy comes out the target teens because they know teens want the next best thing. When the ipod comes out teens went all over it, everyone need to have one and if u dont you missed out . They always have something new coming out and they know that teens will do anything in order to have that item be theirs .

They  also target teens when it comes to clothing . They know guys are a big fan of design and a killer picture on the clothes so when they see a shirt or a pair of jeans with a design on it the buy it and wear it all the time. With girls they do the same thing  they know girls like words on the shirt or jeans and when their see one that has words on it the buy it . Teens are always target nothing is wrong with that and that way teens always know what is new and what is the new want and most have of 2013 . Teens love having the newest item and they love have dibs on items for teens , they love showing off to their friends and being on top of the world.












What is design and how does it apply to me

19 Feb

Harley Davidson Winged Skulls and Skull Guitar T-ShirtDesign is a couple of thing , it clothing or a colourful cd case or a pair of shoes. Design is everywhere , design is all around us . No matter where we go we will always find design . Design apply to me in the following was i look at an outfit or just a pair of jeans and if there is no design i will not by .Design is all about hoe you repress yourself . Design is whatever you think it is. Design can turn into a way of life it all about how u control it or let it control you which can be a really bad thing .

Design for me is a bold colour , or a killers design on and piece of clothing . When I go shopping for clothing’s I always go to Stitches in the cat mall . i go there for the simple fact of being that there clothes always have a killer design and that is what makes me like them. I can always find what I am looking for when I go into that sore. They really have the style I am looking for . I go for killer design , really cheap outfit that i know I will keep for years or for a while  .

When I get dress in the morning I always try to find a killer design either on the shit or on the jeans and sometimes maybe both have a design. I wont own a single pair of clothing that does have have some form of a design on it i love my designs. You could say I am addicted to designs I love them , I will spend a whole day shopping until I get enough shirts with design that i would love and wear all the time.  I love design I will always have it around. 


11 Feb

i love dogs . i have six favourite breeds. the first breed is rottweilers . rotties are beautiful dogs . they are but down as the worse dog never that will attack . i know that is bull , i grow up around them and never got hurt . if the owners is being abuses to the dog then yeah it will attack. The second breed is pit bulls.  pitties are band and it makes me so sound because i had a pit bull her name was Patton  and she was a beautiful dog but we have to get rid of here because of her breed is was so hard to say goodbye . the third breed is boxers. boxers are smart dogs everyone has they are stupid but they are not the are smart dogs and every friendly animals. the fourth breed is Dalmatians. i love Dalmatians  i have always wanted one i own all the Dalmatians movies. the fifth breed is golden retrievers  . i love golden retrievers when i was  14 i had a Golden retrievers but it was hit my a car and i still think about him allot and i am getting a tattoo of Saturday in memory of him. the sixth breed is Siberian husky’s . i had a husky was i was younger she was my baby girl i   loved her i got her for my birthday from my dad she stayed at my nannies and o would see her every weekend she as my baby  .

its in the title

11 Feb

life is so hard right now but so exciting and the same point. i live with my mom so isn’t my favorite person in the world. i am more of a daddy’s girl.  i have so many brothers and sisters its not even funny . my oldest brother is Brandon ( his is my half brother ) i have never meet him my dad had him when he was a teenager , Brian ( he is my other half brother ) we grow up for most of my like in the same house so in my mind he is still my brother they are all my brothers and sister. Bret ( he is my stepbrother ) my dad married his mom so that how we become related  . i don’t see him or talk to him much cause he life to get in trouble . Morgan this is my brother not my sister . ( he is my other step brother ) Morgan and i get along really well and i see him from time to time . My baby brother name is Gage ( he is my half brother ) sadly i haven’t seen Gage in almost 4 years and i miss him a lot. Those are my brothers and now on it my sisters . Crystal ( she is my half sister ) crystal and i are very close she is like my best friend. Megan ( she is my biological sister) we have are days sometime we get along sometimes we don’t but that is what sister do. Rorie ( she is my step sister )  we get along , we have gotten in trouble together before and still some stupid stuff. My baby sister is Olivia ( she is my half sister ) i also have seen Olivia since 2 summers ago and i really miss her. this is my family step half bio they are my family there are my siblings and i don’t care what anyone says