Selling IMC

26 Mar

imagesEvery thought of expanding you knowledge of marketing or learn about  what marketing really is ? Well, the imc is a really good start in that process . The program will teach you so many things for example  how to with storyboards and how to make sure the client/s get what they need for you. It will teach you my keys terms or marketing explain how you see people doing it everyday and understand how they are doing it.


You will get to work with any different  items like garage  band , iMovie and video cameras and get to work with three different professors that will tach you what they know and help you along the way. YOU will also getting to work with real clients and help them have their bunisees profit go through the roof . It will be a lot of hard work but thats life as long has you have a hard work  system you will do fine and I will be another thing that you have done in your academia career.

For this program you will be a part time student at St. Lawrence  college  , you will get to be apart of the college and get a taste of what going to college in the future with be like and take away most of the fear of college .  being in the college takes always the drama from high school and all the stupid stuff with high school and friends and people being the worst and just getting a break from all of it for a semester.  IF you just want a break from high school sign up for imc. Get the break you need to finally feel free from your teachers and everyone that gets on you nerves and just  focus on school and being a teenagers with the college life .

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